Do You Know How To Boost Your Willpower? | LaRae Quy

LaRae Quy
6 min readAug 3, 2020

In the American Psychological Association’s annual survey on stress, people cited a lack of willpower as the number one barrier to following through with changes that would improve their lives. What they’re really saying is that they don’t have the self-control to make those changes, because if they did, they’d know that willpower is something over which they have total control.

Will power is defined as the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals. It’s the self-control to manage our thoughts, emotions, and behavior in ways that set us up for success. It’s d Like mental toughness, it boils down to who’s calling the shots. If you want something bad enough, you’ll find the willpower to make things happen.

It isn’t easy because our happiness-infused culture confuses what feels good with what is good for us. Good experiences are not always pleasant, and pleasant experiences are not always good. We’ve confused the good life with feeling good. There are lots of books and seminars that promise to show you how to eliminate your frustrations and show you ways to avoid negative experiences.



LaRae Quy

Former counterintelligence FBI agent | Mental Toughness Center | Consultant | Speaker | Author: Secrets of A Strong Mind, & Mental Toughness for Women Leaders