The Best Advice On How To Detect Lack Of Integrity In People

LaRae Quy
7 min readFeb 13, 2024

Integrity is a word that we hear almost every day but we seldom take the time to think about it. Integrity is similar to ethics, honesty, and trustworthiness — they are a moral code of values that affect our behavior. Integrity is about doing the right thing in every situation, whether it’s convenient or not.

Maybe one of the reasons we don’t think about integrity is because it’s the opposite of self-interest. We’ve devolved into a “me” culture that promotes self above others. While that might be acceptable in small doses, it can have a toxic effect when it bleeds over into our behavior in business and life. We need to be mentally tough to hold ourselves to a higher moral standard.

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People who have integrity build solid relationships, good businesses, and an atmosphere of well-being. There’s research that proves companies with leaders with a sense of morals do better than those where leaders have no clearly defined ethical direction. Unfortunately, not everyone has integrity but there are warning signs to alert us to people who don’t care about doing the right thing.

Here is the best advice on how to detect a lack of integrity in other people: Beware of the following:



LaRae Quy
LaRae Quy

Written by LaRae Quy

Former counterintelligence FBI agent | Mental Toughness Center | Consultant | Speaker | Author: Secrets of A Strong Mind, & Mental Toughness for Women Leaders

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